Monday 22 March 2010

Ta Kea Way Exhibition

I started designing the poster for the exhibition my sisters involved with. Originally it was going to be called 'Terra Firma' but half way through me coming up with some initial ideas my sister phoned up telling me they were going to call it Ta Kea Way instead. Hence the first few designs with the words Terra Firma on.

I had 2 low res jpegs to work with. In the email they said ' don't worry about the bad quality of the jpegs it makes it look even cooler' ! I don't know how comfortable I am with this, if your going to use a pixelated jpeg it should be pixelated for a reason, so I needed to come up with some ways to work around it.

The first few designs (above) are just really getting a feel of how much copy there is and what the hierarchy needed to be.

I email through the best poster designs. I'm waiting to here what they think, then I will move the project through to the next stage.

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