Tuesday 23 March 2010

Fine Art Poster

This is the response to the posters I sent through to Paul regarding the Ta Kea Way Exhibition.

Hi Angus!
Thank you very much for your help! your first ideas are really cool! and
It took us a while to come to a conclusion. TOO MANY COOKS..
However..we liked poster number 6 and 4 the best.
Taking them as a basis here our ideas:
the image could be even more pixelated or zoomed in.
could you play a bit with the saturation and the colour? -we liked 16 as
well! It would be nice if the image gets a bit more background, more a
colour, more ambigious..
The name is definately the most important thing. it should be bigger,
maybe fatter, maybe another font. It could go (almost) from one side to
the other..I think it could be a bit less serious..hm.. or a bit
younger.. if you know what i mean.
the name of the galerie should just stand on top of the location
section. -unfortunately we can't use the name "the old globe galerie"
please use "showroom Curtis Mayfield House - formerly known as globe
galerie" or so instead.
The artists should be bigger and in alphabetical order. and we don't
need "list of artists" and "location"
please also write "Curated with Denise Kwan" at the bottom of the list.
We might have 1,2 sentences to explain whats happening. that its art,
that its about a certain theme.. these have to be thought out and
written down by Denise untill tomorrow! Could you just use a dummytext
for that?
And could you please try "What is it like" and "What it is like" as a
title as well?

I hope that's something to work with!


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