Thursday 4 March 2010

York Clinic Leaflet Email Correspondence

I thought I'd blog my e-mail thread with Harriet, to show how the correspondence has influenced the design. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up.

Hi Harriet

Sorry for the delay. Here is the text from the inside of the leaflet. I'll send you a version with the next set of changes with this text added.

All the best

Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 17:50:42 +0000
Subject: Re: York Clinic Leaflet

Hi Angus
I like this much better. Thank you.
1. Please add
For bus routes, see the City of York bus route map. Buses stop close to the Clinic on Tadcaster Road.
For a cycle friendly route to the Clinic, see the City of York cycle route map. Secure bicycle parking is available at the front of the building.
to the directions
2. Move red circle up level with the word 'York' as it is on the letter head, which you may have seen. I also think 'for comp med ' and the address/phone number etc could be larger.
3. Please add to the inside:
York Clinic for Complementary Medicine is pleased to be involved with research work at the University of York. Our practitioners have recently taken part in clinical trials investigating the use of complementary medicine in the treatment of back pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), osteoarthitis and depression.
For more information about our work, visit our website at
I think it should go after para 3,
4. Para's 4 and 5 need combining as they say the same sort of thing. I'll do this if you send me the text as a word doc.

.What does Hugh think??
On 26 February 2010 11:03, angus macpherson <> wrote:
Hi Harriet

I've made some changes to the first side of the leaflet, I've removed the white box so the text now sits on the blue sky background. I also added the address and website. The website links to a bus timetable rather than giving specific dirictions of how to get there by bus? If you send me some text I can easily add it. Let me know what you think of this version, and if you send me the rest of the text I will make any other changes.


Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 16:03:36 +0000
Subject: Re: York Clinic Leaflet

Hi Angus
Sorry for the delay. The designs are great - I think the inside pages are especially fresh and clean and really underline the message we want to get across about professionalism and friendliness etc. I prefer the Front 1, but am not keen on the white box - see below
the front page needs the address adding
the white box is not quite right - better to have the text straight on the page - perhaps on a blue sky background?
I prefer the list on the back page without the box too
the 'how to get there' info only refers to cars - there should be bus info too - should be on the website page
I think we should add a little more text about the research that we engage in - just a paragraph
I'll try and write this before I go, if not perhaps Hugh would be prepared too.
great stuff

On 21 February 2010 20:05, angus macpherson <> wrote:
Hi Harriet

Here are the initial designs for the leaflet, I've gone with one direction which I've tried to keep consistent with the website. If you don't think its right I could work on a different overall look for it. I've included 3 different versions of the front side with different photos, let me know which one you prefer. I've just done one layout for the inside, it's quite simple but I think nice and clear. The type on the map looks really small but it will be fine when it's printed. Have a look at them and let me know what you think and I can make any changes.


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