Thursday 11 March 2010

Shona MacPherson Postcards

I designed some postcards for Shona, they really came from the business cards and how nice the images looked when they were cropped so you could just see the detail. The layout has to be really simple as I want the artwork to be the thing that you notice.

The back is very simple and it's really just a case of deciding how best to organise the information. I have stuck with the same way of setting up the type as I have used throughout her identity.

Originally I wanted to include her name on the front of the postcards, as I think the type works really well with the images, and it maintains the identity. However after experimenting with where to position the type I realized that it would have to be in a different place on each postcard which I don't think would look good, I think consistency is very important when the overall design is so simple. Also I think not having the type on the front means that the artwork is not obstructed in any way.

Below are some of the postcards with the type on, as you can see the type would not work in the same place in all of them.

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