Wednesday 3 February 2010

Young Typographic Designers

I've been working on a brief I wrote myself; to design the identity for an exhibition of typographic work from young designers and students.

I started off by designing a few logos, I liked the idea of using a circle, like a stamp or symbol. I used a lowercase y to represent the idea of youth. I am going to work with the logo second from the left on the bottom row.

This was my original idea for the exhibition identity. The design would be laser cut from pulp board, with the text at the top printed on white paper and stuck on and the web address at the bottom kiss cut into the board. However once I had finished it I thought it didn't look structure and typographic enough so I decided to experiment with some other ideas.

This is my second direction, I think it feels quite typographic and structure which is what I want to go for, I really like the colours but I think the overall feel could be a bit too formal.

I continued to develop the 2nd direction, I really like the idea of screen printing the promotional poster so this 2 colour design would be very appropriate for that.

The 3 posters above are direction 3. I was considering experimenting with over printing using silk screens for this idea. I think it looks good but isn't as strong an idea as direction 2.

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