Thursday 25 February 2010

Young Typographic Designers Screen Print

I screen printed the poster for the typography exhibition identity I am designing today.

The reason I chose to screen print it as opposed to digital print was because, I want this poster to have a real aesthetic beauty and impact. It is a poster for an exhibition of beautiful typography and the poster needs to stand up along side the work it is representing.

I am happy with how the final poster turned out. The colours feel really nice and vibrant and its quite high impact.

I also screened some posters onto paper that I had already printed multiple private view invitations on the reverse side, so that when the invitations were chopped up it gave a abstract pattern on the back. I did some on grey board and some on 300gsm cartridge paper to see which I preferred. I think I will probably go for the grey board as it has a real solid and unique feel.

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