Wednesday 10 February 2010

Ride BMX Cover

I've started laying out a lot of different variations of the cover for Ride BMX magazine using the logo and branding I had already designed.

I decided to use the 'classic' magazine strategy of using a person on the front cover making eye contact with the camera! I think it works quite well and it is quite eye catching.

I like the look of this one, the only problem is I'm already using a circular logo in my Young Typographic Designers brief so I don't know if I want to use one for ride as well.

I quite like this idea of delivering all the information in quite a neat organised way at the top of the page however I don't think the logo is visible enough, and the info is a bit too small.

This one works well, logo is nice and visible.

Again I like this one, the logo is nice and big, maybe a bit too fussy.

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