Tuesday 9 February 2010


OK I still haven't finalised a direction for this YTD brief but i've been considering lots more options.

This was what I was thinking of doing, having two posters that kind of worked together but would also work on their own. They would be consistant with the idea below which would be on one side of a 3rd A4 leaflet. However I really don't like the posters, they're too simple and too boring.

I quite like the two above, but what do the lines have to do with type? and its pretty hard to read

I think this one above and the two below are pretty functional and could work pretty well. However are they too boring?

I'm pretty into this direction. it could be screen printed, or it could be digital, I think it will work in the same way the first idea did as one side of a 3rd A4 leaflet. I think its a bit more interesting than the other ideas and will hopefully inspire people to get involved. Below are a couple more variation. Tomorrow the decision will be made.

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