Thursday 18 February 2010

Matthew Waudby Interview

Matthew Waudby is a good friend and also a badass BMXer. I did a quick interview with him to go with the photos I have for the magzine.

Who is Matt Waudby?
Mat Waudby is a polite and lovely natured boy who is studying illustration at art foundation and loves bikes.

Age, Hometown, Height?
I’m 19 years old, was born in Hong Kong but call York my hometown, and am close enough to 6 foot 3 as physically possible without actually being 6 foot 3.

What do you most love about your hometown?
The buildings. It’s only in the past year that I’ve actually started looking up at the buildings and it’s made me realize how amazing our small city is and its amazing history.

What did you do last Saturday night?
Well I was feeling pretty ill so stayed in but had tones of work to do for my uni portfolio so did some illustrations for that.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My double bumped head but to be honest it adds more character so I’m thankful to evolution for giving me an able and rather amazing body.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
Wow I really want to say someone like the Dalai Lama or Mandela but right now there’s someone more interesting and they know who they are.

What are your strengths?
My amazing guns! On a serious note though I do seem to be able to be relatively chilled in stressy situations and I believe I’m quite good getting along with most people.

What are your weaknesses?
Well I’m pretty rubbish at telling people when I’m pissed with them so if I’m just ignoring you then you’ve probably done something wrong. Life’s too short to worry about people annoying you.

Your biggest fear is:
That one day I will not be able to ride my bike and that I will wet the bed when sharing it with a girl I really like.

Your biggest worry is:
At the moment, not having enough money to have a good summer.

Your biggest pet peeve is:
Damn the list could go on forever so I’ll limit it to three;
-Loud, in your face girls.
-People that don’t get up in the morning.
-People that drive/park in the bike lane.

A guilty pleasure of yours is:
Ear stretching.

An excuse you use often is:
I’m not feeling it.

Something you could do with more of in life is:

Something you could use less of in life is:
False friends. But I’m beginning to sort that.

Something you don’t believe in is:

Your favourite article of clothing is:
I’m going to have to say my American apparel shirts that my Mum got me for Christmas. Perfect fit.

Your favourite possession is:

Your favourite way to spend Sunday afternoon is:
Go out on my BMX then chill somewhere with all my fun and lovely friends.

The last movie you saw was:
Drag Me To Hell. Cheesy as hell but still I swear I could see goat demons everywhere.

The last song you listened to was:
Sleeping Sickness-City and Colour

The last book you read was:
The Golden Buddha- Clive Cussler

The last flat tire you repaired was:
Too long ago, It’s going to happen soon, I can feel it.

The last e-mail you wrote was:
One to Brighton uni about my online portfolio.

The best advice you ever received was:
You can do anything you want to, you just got to put your mind to it. Shaun Palmer in an early 90’s fox mountain bike video.

The best word to describe your life is:
Wide open.

What calms you in times of stress?
BMX, teaching BMX and friends.

What quality do you admire most in other people?
Selflessness and drive.

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