Thursday 18 February 2010

Ride BMX Magazine Change of Direction

OK I havn't spoken to Fred about this yet but I think I'm going to change how I'm going to approach this brief. Instead of redesigning Ride BMX Magazine I'm going to design my own magazine. The motivation for the project will be the same, in that I think BMX print media needs to up its game in order to hold onto its audience however designing my own magazine rather than doing a redesign of an existing magazine will have several advantages:

1. I won't be stepping on anyones toes by doing it. In that I know several people who work for and are involved with ride and I don't want to cause offence by saying "your magazines shit, this is how you should do it better"

2. The content can be real. I have already carried out 3 interviews some with people I know and people who I admire or respect. So this can in effect be a real magazine with real content. Making it a much more convincing project.

3. Production. Rather than simply redesigning a few spreads for ride I can produce a whole magazine, which means I can consider and control the production techniques which are very important element to the design.

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