Thursday 13 May 2010

Making my Typeface

Well yesterday I used Fontlab for the first time and made my very first typeable typeface.

The process isn't that difficult if you have already made your vectors in Illustrator. Its mainly a case of copying and pasting them into Font Lab. Its getting the letter spacing right that is really difficult.

Below my exported font ready to install!

It definitely makes it a lot easier to see how the font works when you can simply type it out rather than manipulating each letter individually.

In general I am pretty happy with the typeface. However I think I am going to re-draw it for a number of reason: 1. because it is too narrow, as you can see above it is very difficult to see at small point sizes. 2. Some of the characters also need tweaking and 3. I think I am only going totally develop an upper case version, because it is working much better and its better to make one case that works really well rather than upper and lower case that aren't quite right.

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