Sunday 23 May 2010

Found You Development

Overall I am pretty happy with how this project has come together, however there were still a few things that I didn't think were working interms of the layout and typography. I also felt there were some ways we could extend the project that we weren't fully exploiting.

I had a bit of a brainstorm, which you can see below. I thought it would bve a really good Idea to make a found you stamp, which we oreded from craftwise. We can stamp this on the envelopes when we send out the books. We also made some bespoke cards, so rather than just using one of the spreads from the book as a flyer, we actually put together a specially designed card, taking into consideration the stock it's printed on etc.

Finally a few of the layouts of the book have been changed, which makes it flow a bit better, overall I am happier with it and think it is a more copmplete project.

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