Wednesday 19 May 2010

Fonts - Final Changes

Well I've spent some of today making the final set of changes to my typefaces. They are all fairly minor but I think it is really important to get all the details right in oder for the typeface to feel consistent.

I spent some time just typing out some common words with the typeface, to get a feel of which letters are and aren't working.

Above is the new R and the old R. I thinned out the bottom of the loop and made the decender come out at less of an angle.

I felt that in certain situations the spiky N was not working. I made one with flat ends. Its available in the uppercase N, which means that it can be used in certain situations.

The K was probably the weakest character in this typefaces, the top one is the original. The new one sits with the other characters much better.

Again I made a less distinctive E (Bottom) available as an alternate.

The only letter I changed in Grande Fete was the S making it less curvaceous and the 2 loops a similar size. Above you can see them both overlayed.

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