Saturday 3 April 2010

Ta Kea Way, What is it like, Between us and This Fine Art Exhibition - Round 3

Well overall this was a pain in the ass of a brief. Endless changes of mind and request for revisions from the client and the fact that they consistantly chose the safest most boring designs meant that the final product isn't something I am particulally pleased with.

They finally agreed on a name and decided they wanted a different background image. By this time I think they had relised I was getting a bit tired of them changing their mind so thankfully they stuck to it.

I did a range of developmental ideas trying to get a feel for the hierarchy and how the information best sat on the page. Whatever colour I set the type in it din't show up very well on the image, so I experimented putting in some boxes and backgrounds to make it show up better.

After some time getting the layouts right I sent through three ideas I was happy with, which you can see below. They all have a similar look but lay out the info in a slightly ifferent way.

I thought the ideas I sent through where respectable and delivered the info clearly, but showed a bit of creativity in the way I dealt with the copy. Anyway Paul wanted something a bit simpler; left aligned and with the copy directly on the image, no background. I sent through the poster below, which they were happy with.

I think it is pretty boring, and the hieracrhy isn't clear but that is how they requested it so I had to do it.

Overall this brief has been a big learning experiemce; clients are always going to make inconveniet requests and be indecisive to a certain extent so you have to be patient and work with that. Also I think taking on live briefs, where a lot of time is taken up talking to clients and making revisions, at this time in my FMP is probably not the best idea.

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