Monday 5 April 2010

Stalled Product shots

I booked out the lighting studio just before the Easter holidays to take some product shots of the Stalled brief, which I feel is almost finished.

I shot all of the photos I wanted on a black background as initially I thought this would probably looks best. However I tried our a couple of shots on a white background and they looked really good, so I ended up reshooting all the photos with a white background. I might end up using a mixuture of the black and white backgrounds on my boards.

I used my old film slr to help contextualise some of the photos.

I also got some photos of Ollie wearing my T-shirts holding my BMX. I think they look good and definatley help contextualise the shirts. However Ollie was in a bit of a rush and I didn't get a chance to experiemnt with as many shots as I would have liked. I might try and get some other photos of the shirts possibly at the skatepark.

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