Monday 5 April 2010

Suma Brief

This is the brief I have written for the Suma Packaging project that I am taking on.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Angus

    i think the target audience statement is interesting as it is our major problem in getting a brand design route to speak to our core market or the more aspirational target market, i.e. our core market is female 55-65 A,B,C1 empty nesters who are dark green thically, our target market is male/female 25-35 A,B early adopters and innovators making lifestyle additions.
    We have over 4000 active customers falling into 20 different customer profiles from deli's and wholefood shops to signature stores and high end department store food halls.
    The problem we consistently come across is that when we've worked with exterior design agencies they fail to "get" us and so we end up with predictable, wishy washy, hippy, green nonesense, we once paid £150k for an agency to come up with a white label because it "spoke about the purity of the ingredients" well thats as may be but it looked like a tesco value can!!


    Andrew Mackintosh
